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Infographic: WordPress & the Rise in Enterprise World

  • By Hidden Brains
  • February 19, 2019

WordPress & the Rise in Enterprise World

WordPress is a CMS, or content management system to edit and alter the appearance of your website, without having to use code. With WordPress development services empowering nearly 30 percent of websites, it is often not considered for large enterprises. However, the scenario is changing quickly and WordPress has completely evolved to a level of enterprise-level CMS.

Several big brands such as Forbes, CNN, NY Times, Mashable, TechCrunch, MTV, Wall Street Journal, and NASA trust WordPress for their digital presence. Each content management solution comes with its strengths and weaknesses, and this includes WordPress too.

Here are advantages of WordPress development services

Powerful SEO capabilities

SEO features like permalinks, auto-generated URL (from the title), META data control, seamless integration with plugins, such as Yoast’s SEO plugin make WordPress a highly competent search marketing tool.

Multi-site Content Management & User Role Management

With multi-site capabilities, WordPress has truly become ready as enterprise-level CMS.  WordPress allows managing tasks such as web pages creation, tagging, categories, comment moderation, managing plugins and themes, as well as users.  

Application Framework

With WordPress design services and development solutions, developer can build a web application with features such as user management, HTTP requests, databases, and more.

Related Post: Convincing Reasons to Convert Website to WordPress

This infographic will provide details of the rise of WordPress in the enterprise world.

Infographic: WordPress & the Rise in Enterprise World

Copy the code to include this detailed info-graphic of WordPress for Enterprise Business on your blog or page:

<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-12672" src="https://www.hiddenbrains.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Enterprise-WordPress-Solutions-00-01-0998-min.jpg" alt="Infographic: WordPress &amp; the Rise in Enterprise World" width="870" height="5402" />


WordPress offers huge features and plugins, it’s on users how they want to bring their business websites. Advantages of WordPress is that web developers can customize the platform as per their requirements and launch the website as per their suitability.

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