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How To Develop A Food Delivery App Like Uber Eats for 2023

  • By Hidden Brains
  • October 11, 2022

Food Delivery App Like Uber Eats

Food delivery app like Uber Eats have become a part of your daily lives quite effortlessly. We don’t realize how much we are dependent on these apps. Especially during the pandemic, with various government regulations for staying back at home, food delivery apps acted as our saviors when we craved restaurant food or just something fancy. Also food delivery was the only way to earn money for the restaurants since the dine-in option was prohibited in most parts of the UK.

Even with the huge demand for such food delivery apps, some people criticize them for charging high commissions which are taken away from the restaurants’ already small profit margin. Thus many restaurant chains are opting to develop their food delivery app like UberEats. But developing an app like that is not an easy task. Various factors need to be taken care of. You need to know UberEats’ business model and thus develop your model accordingly.

Let’s first see how food delivery apps similar to UberEats operate and know all the important aspects of food delivery app development. This will ultimately guide you to build your food delivery app like Uber Eats. If you are looking to build a food delivery app like Uber Eats, it is equally important to partner with a custom mobile app development company in the UK.

Choosing the right Food market model:

There are mainly two types of startup models for food delivery.

1. Order-Only platform:

This type of platform acts as an aggregator which shows you information regarding nearby eateries. The users get to look into the menus and prices along with ratings and reviews. This helps the customers to choose the right place for themselves, while the restaurants get to expand their business. This type of model does not offer any food delivery services. The restaurants need to use their courier service to deliver the food. In return for letting the eateries expand their business, they charge up to 15% of the profit.

2. Order and Delivery model:

This model also provides complete logistics support. The reason behind such a model’s success is that they act as great assets for small or new restaurants since they lack the resources to establish their own logistics team. This model charges a fee against their service which can be up to 30% of the total order price. Since UberEats also operates using this model, let us try to understand how it works.

  • First, the order is placed by a user and the payment gets authorized.
  • Restaurants receive the order and start preparing the food.
  • Once the order is ready, the restaurants notify a courier which is arranged by the platform.
  • Once the courier delivers the food and the customer verifies it, the payment is deducted.

Such platforms charge a variety of commissions including a delivery fee, fee for “busy areas”, and distance fee. This type of model is costlier to be built as there are costs of delivery management personnel, vehicles, gas, etc but they are also more profitable.

Analyzing the market:

A vivid analysis of the market trends before the development of an app is necessary to clear up your vision and doubts. There are many competitors in this business so to stay ahead of all, you should also do a competitor analysis.

For example, knowing what other apps are offering could be used and modified to your benefit. There is a lot to learn even from your rival sometimes. Apps like Domino’s pizza also accept orders via Twitter. This is an unusual feature that can tempt customers. Using a chatbot through messenger to receive orders can be an interesting approach as well. Since smartwatches are becoming as common as smartphones, you can also incorporate some features into your app which lets you receive orders via smartwatches.

Also, apps like Uber Eats give restaurants a chance to promote their services through paid advertising. This type of feature gives both parties profits.

Building multiple apps:

Apps like UberEats do not use one single platform, they use multiple platforms to receive, manage and deliver orders. There is one app for clients, one for couriers, and another for eateries. All these apps have different features as well.

  • Features of customer app:

The customer app must have the following features:

  1. Registration and profile management
  2. Search field
  3. Order Placement
  4. Payment
  5. Order tracking
  6. Notifications
  7. Rating & reviews
  • Features of courier app:

The app for the delivery staff should have the following features:

  1. Registration and profile setup
  2. Order managementStatus updates
  3. Delivery history
  4. Earnings screen
  • Features of the admin panel app

The admin panel transfers order information from users to the restaurant staff. After this, the orders are processed and passed to the couriers.

This app should have these features:

  1. Registration and profile management
  2. Content management
  3. Order management
  4. Payments

All these apps must operate synchronously. They must show up-to-date information otherwise the whole system will collapse. For this not to happen, it is important to arrange the data exchange between apps and servers. To synchronize data, developers use a client-server architecture using API for the data exchange. When a user places a request, the client reaches an API that defines their profile type (super admin, restaurant, courier, or customer), then goes to the database to return relevant information.

Choosing the right app development company to develop a food delivery app like Uber Eats:

Hiring the right company is the most crucial step for developing a food delivery app like Uber Eats. A reliable company means one which has the experience, a unique approach, and enough team power to tackle your demand and deliver the same to you on time. The firm of your choice must have Android and iOS developers. This will enable you to attract customers from all platforms.

In conclusion, it can be said that the development of a food delivery app like Uber Eats is a highly profitable business idea. Yes, there will be challenges but nothing comes in life for free. The world is thriving with strategies of digital transformation and expansion, and the value of food delivery apps is bound to soar even higher in the coming years including 2023. There will always be plenty of fish in the sea but by targeting the right approach it is possible to get an edge over others and reach the top of the ladder very quickly.


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